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C.J. Strickland


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C.J. Strickland’s writing story involves an MA in creative writing, screenwriting (produced feature film Cross Life), and performing standup in Sydney, Australia and Berlin, Germany. As a stand up, he’s had material broadcast on the national Austereo radio network and once got lucky and MC’d for Chris Rock.

A member of the The Australian Society of Authors and the Australian Writers' Guild, he’s excelled at being shortlisted for (among others) Screen NSW production funding and the AWG’s Monte Miller Awards (both for short film versions of his YA/Crossover novel Dog Boy Freak and the Serious Fooling).


Having taught English to everyone from Berlin high schoolers, Chinese kids, young adults from across the world, Aussie uni students and German executives, he’s currently National Training Lead for a peak disability body in Sydney - building on the work he's done as an educator, alongside performing and writing.

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